
In recent years, street-art, along with art & culture in general, has become more prominent for business operations. The expectation is that the art umbrella will contribute to brand awareness and therefore growth. While this may be partially true, only a few have tapped the full potential of engaging with Creative Industries.

Upon request, we have finally launched a series of two workshops on things we know how to do best: Real Estate and Creative Industries

World of Os Workshops


Creativity as a tool for innovation and Creative Industries as a driver for growth

Are you willing to explore the full potential creativity and the creative industries have on your business?

We give insights on how to utilise existing cultural communities, the purpose of upcycling, monetisation on art and design, and ultimately how to optimise on your investment.

Our approach is holistic. We see each piece as part of a bigger picture. Relevant strategies will drive innovation and therefore growth. Unique concepts will contribute to your community, create shared value and therefore an echo-effect on your business and brand.

World of Os Workshops


Raising value and margins through creativity

Usability concepts define real estate and therefore your margins, awareness, power of your brand and demand. We believe real estate should be more than just luxury apartments, and we strongly believe that real estate has the power to transform people and cities. A creative approach to real estate delivers better margins and a longer-term sustainable business, by creating value for each individual project and the developer alike.

Our areas of expertise are co-living, co-working, mixed-use developments, members clubs, usability concepts, besides strategies to support developments that are private/public spaces. We develop art and design solutions, cultural programming and help shape communities. Special attention and support is also provided for bidding processes at state level. This workshop is an opportunity to get to know our methodologies and learn how to develop higher margins through branding, purposeful development, or finding the right balance in mixed-use spaces. This workshop will help define or match a strategic concept to a property or place.

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    Which workshop are you interested in?

    Creative ToolboxConceptualising Real Estate