Taking projects from inception
to long term activation


We develop strategies and usability concepts for cities, real estate, hospitality and the private public sector.

Our concepts and strategies are backed by strong research, experience with global cultures and mentalities, access to international networks and more than twenty years of professional experience.

We focus on creating sustainable, profitable and unique solutions that stand out. Some call it marketing, branding, PR or else. We however, call it a holistic and innovative approach to future of living.

We support public bidding processes that require lobbying, and develop unique concepts that are mutually beneficial for the investor, the city and its communities.


We provide in-depth, qualitative and quantitative research, feasibility studies as well as trends and tendencies reports for the real estate, hospitality and the private public sector. We help tailor study requirements to your specific needs.

Creative Direction

We create stories, brands, identities and solutions for simple, intricate or complex projects, within the real estate, hospitality, or city context. We take processes from ideation, to concept development and execution, creating brands, products, spaces and places. Our interior installations are quality driven, culturally inspired and with a global reference.


We use culture, art and design as a tool for content and innovation, to enrich and position projects, drive value and shape communities.

Strategies developed and concepts executed are here to add value for private developers, as well as for neighbourhoods and cities. We help shape and execute concepts with the help of local resources and talent, an international network and globally relevant trends and best practices.


We develop social impact and responsibility solutions for the real estate and hospitality sector, using the MOM – Marina Ostrowski Method.

We tap into creative industries to innovate and to create unique solutions — utilising existing platforms, communities, content, data, business pathways and inventory.