Lisbon, 2017

Real Estate & Creative Industries

Broadway Malyan Architects for Teixera Duarte

Mixed-use Real Estate

Scope of services

Creative and strategic conceptualisation, consultation.


Usability and concept development, strategic art curation, programme conceptualisation, activation strategy.

Collaboration and copyrights

Visuals credits: Broadway Malyan

Broadway Malyan is a global architecture, urbanism and design practice operating in 43 countries. Marina Os. supported Broadway Malyan with concept development and strategies for the usability of common space for the biggest Portuguese construction company and owner of Lagoas Park — Texeira Duarte. Marina Os. delivered a concept for usability of common space and strategies for activation of the technology park. The goal was to captivate different users, activate spaces and create a flow through the property while encouraging interaction between users and external visitors. A brand concept was created that positions the tech park as a living and working village, bringing DesignArt to the site, supporting the growth of Portuguese culture while offering the user a unique experience. Cultural programming encourages the growth of the local community, longevity, growth and strength of the brand through strategic curation.

Marina Os. undertook research to understand the structure of the property and re-imagined its functional arrangements. Following a thorough benchmark analysis, Marina Os. delivered a strategy based on the three pillars of food, art and community. The concept involved establishing facilities tailored to the space, activities adapted to their users and art installations inspired by technology. The art installations would be designed to drive PR and attract media attention, while a cultural programme of networking events, workshops, talks and curated dining were envisioned to build a solid community within the complex. Marina Os. worked closely with the project’s architects to conceptualise meeting areas, dining areas, meditation areas and a new “clean eating” food court, with fresh produce originating from the complex’s own garden. Additional communications and space activation concepts included the creation of an in-house magazine, curating guest artist installations and facade installations to give the space a fresh look.